Inspired by the classic buildings of Southern Italy.
Terrae-Calce offers an irregular yet elegant texture, reminiscent of the traditional buildings of Southern Italy, blending simplicity, craftsmanship, and passion.
This superb lime-based material produces a finish similar to Venetian plaster. However, Terrae-Calce is longer-lasting, more sustainable, and offers superior breathability and mould resistance. With a wide range of colours and textures available, Terrae-Calce provides a versatile and durable luxury solution for your interior finishes.
Why choose Terrae-Calce?
Terrae-Calce products are highly breathable, allowing natural water vapour passage in walls. This minimises delamination issues like blistering, ensuring a durable finish, particularly in humid areas.
Lime’s hygroscopic properties, absorbing water molecules from the environment, not only moderate humidity levels but also combat mould, bacteria, and fungi, improving air quality. This reduces asthma and allergy risks, creating a healthier living space.
Best of all, Terrae-Calce products are VOC-free, meaning they don’t release harmful volatile organic compounds into the air, ensuring a safer and healthier environment for you and your family. Choose Terrae-Calce for a healthier, more durable, and environmentally friendly solution for your surfaces.

Minimal impact on our climate
Lime is fired at a lower temperature than many other solutions. This means that its production reduces environmental impact and uses less energy.
Also, it uniquely reabsorbs part of the carbon dioxide (Co2) emitted during combustion thanks to the “Carbonation” process, while it polymerises following installation (natural carbon sink), thus reducing the negative effects on the environment.
AVAILABILITY: The raw material for the production of lime is limestone, a sedimentary rock, rich in calcium carbonate (CaCO3); marble or other minerals can also be used. As these raw materials are widely present, their use does not contribute to the depletion of rare resources.
WASTE RECOVERY: The aggregates are all products of waste recovery including rice husk and hemp hurds.

How is Terrae Calce Applied?

- Application of Calce-Primer
- Application of the first coat of Calce-Powder
- Application of the second coat of Calce-Powder
- Sponging and smoothing
- Application of Calce-Protection
The Benefits of Terrae-Calce

Recycled materials such as rice husk and hemp are used.

Stand the test of time with this classic finish

Custom Finishes
Wide choice of colours and textures.
Regulates humidity levels in the environment
As a natural biocide, it prevents the growth of mould
Terrae-Calce NBS Specs
Contact our knowledgeable sales and technical team on 01273 471524 to discuss the endless possibilities.